May 18, 2018
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May 18, 2018
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John Peacock
May 18, 2018
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Stuart Ross

We have had our Bionizer in since March 2015. Before the switch to the Bionizer we had a saltwater pool.
Admittedly we switched because the saltwater chlorinator died.. it turned out to be a revelation. I just wish it had died 5 years earlier. We would not have spent $300 to $500 on poisons every year to keep the pool ‘swim-able’ .
Since March last year we have spent $45 on the pool. It’s incredible swimming in a fresh water pond. The kids don’t get ‘sting eyes’ like the good old days .
It pretty much regulates its self. Super easy to manage. It’s like the best kept secret out there to do with pools.. feel free to pm me if you like . I tell people about the system all the time .
I bought the Bionizer from the Maroochydore Sales Office also and had a couple of calls early on in the piece to make sure I was doing everything right. The after sales advice is second to none.
Highly recommend this local business and this incredible product.
Cheers Stuy